General Information

To sign up for a Revelon account, simply visit the Registration Page and submit your desired username, email, password, and verify the OTP (one-time password) sent to your email. Once you’ve completed these steps, your account will be created and ready to use.

Revelon supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin (BTC), Binance coin (BNB), CELO (CELO), Tron (TRX), and many others. We regularly update our supported coins list to ensure flexibility and accessibility for our users.

Tag: revelon

Yes, Revelon allows you to accept cryptocurrency donations. Our platform provides seamless integration for accepting donations through our cryptocurrency payment gateway. Whether you’re a charity, content creator, or individual seeking support, Revelon makes it easy for you to receive donations in various cryptocurrencies.

At Revelon, we believe in simplicity. You don’t need to provide any documentation to start using our platform. Just sign up, and you’re ready to go! We’ve designed our platform to be user-friendly and free, so you can start accessing all of our features.

If you need to reach Revelon’s customer support, simply head to our Support page. There, you’ll find all the details to get in touch with our support team. Whether you have questions, need assistance with our API features, or want help with coin swapping, our dedicated support team is here to help.

Tag: support

Yes, Revelon is available worldwide.

Revelon stands out from other crypto payment gateways because of its unique features. Unlike some others, Revelon offers coin swapping services, allowing users to easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another. Additionally, Revelon is available in all countries, making it accessible to a wide range of users worldwide. Another advantage is that Revelon typically doesn’t require Know Your Customer (KYC) verification for most transactions, except in special cases where it may be necessary for compliance purposes. Overall, Revelon provides a convenient and user-friendly experience for businesses and individuals looking to accept and manage cryptocurrency payments.

Revelon is a crypto payment Gateway that offers API features and coin swapping services. It enables businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments and seamlessly integrate them into their platforms or websites. Additionally, Revelon allows users to swap one cryptocurrency for another, providing a convenient and secure solution for managing digital assets.